The mpls downtown council and Mpls Downtown Improvement District announced today that Phillip Trier, Twin Cities Market President at U.S. Bank, has been appointed as Chair of the Board of Directors. He replaces Tom Hoch, who served as board chair since February 2015.
Trier, who served as chair elect since 2016, will oversee the MDC and MDID Board of Directors comprised of members and stakeholders of the downtown Minneapolis community as well as the organization’s 21-member executive committee. His tenure as board chair officially began today at the 61st mpls downtown council Annual Meeting.
“I am excited to serve as board chair for these two great organizations, which play a crucial role in helping make downtown Minneapolis a thriving place to live, visit and conduct business,” Trier said. “This is an extraordinary time to be part of the downtown community and I look forward to continuing the work of The 2025 Plan – keeping downtown Minneapolis vibrant and prosperous.”
Trier takes over amid rapid growth and change both in downtown and at mpls downtown council. Not only is the downtown area undergoing a significant development boom outlined by The Minneapolis Big Build, but mpls downtown council officially unveiled its new rebranding during today’s Annual Meeting—showcasing a new look that matches downtown’s continued growth and vitality.
During Trier’s tenure, the mpls downtown council, its 380 members and more than 300 volunteers will continue implementing the core initiatives of Intersections: The Downtown 2025 Plan—in which Trier has continued to play an active role.
“Phil has incredible leadership skills, and his passion for downtown Minneapolis’ vitality is evident by the amount of volunteer hours he’s already put toward The 2025 Plan’s mission,” said Steve Cramer, President & CEO of the mpls downtown council and Downtown Improvement District. “We’re excited to have Phil as our next board chair, and we look forward to him bringing that energy and passion for downtown to our organization.”
Trier oversees U.S. Bank’s business activities in the Twin Cities Market, supervises the company’s regional board in the Twin Cities, chairs the Twin Cities Foundation and leads the Twin Cities-based market committee, a group of local senior leaders representing the company’s key lines of business and staff functions.
An active member of the community, Trier is involved with several local civic organizations. In addition to his position as MDC/DID Board Chair, Trier is on the board of directors of Gillette Children’s Specialty Hospital, the Minneapolis Regional Chamber of Commerce and on the Super Bowl 52 Risk Committee. He’s also active with Junior Achievement, Special Olympics Minnesota, American Heart Association, United Way and Habitat for Humanity.
Trier holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in Economics from St. John’s University in Collegeville, Minn.
For more information and statistics from this year’s Annual Meeting, visit or follow @MplsDowntown on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.