This fall, Elliot Park Neighborhood Inc. and the Neighborhood Development Training Center will team up to bring the Plan It! Entrepreneur Training Class to those with a desire to pursue their goal of starting a business. The Neighborhood Development Center works with entrepreneurs in low income neighborhoods to offer business training and service to residents.
This 12-week course focuses on writing a comprehensive business plan as well as the basics of operating a small business. All are welcome to apply for the course, and interpreters can be available as well as culturally competent training to encourage the participation of anyone interested.
The class will be offered at a sliding scale fee with scholarships available based on individual need. For applications and further information email us at or visit
There will be two informational meetings in August for this program. Stop in at either one and learn more. They are during the following times:
Tuesday, August 8, 6-7 p.m. at Segue Coffee, 811 11th Avenue South.
Monday, August 21, 6-7 p.m. at Jaur Cafe, 609 10th Street South.