Hear from the mpls downtown music community about why our city is a hub for dynamic and flourishing music on a local, national and international scale.
Hear from the mpls downtown music community about why our city is a hub for dynamic and flourishing music on a local, national and international scale.
Eide Bailly, a national certified public accounting and business advisory firm with revenue of $617m, is pleased to announce that the Minneapolis office has renewed its lease and will remain
Throughout CenterPoint Energy’s office at 5th Street and Nicollet Mall is a spirit of innovation and leadership—two ideals synonymous with the company dating back to its formation as the Minneapolis
Based in downtown Minneapolis, SPS Commerce is leading the way in connecting trading partners around the globe as the world’s foremost retail network. To date, more than 115,000 retailers, grocers,
mpls downtown council
81 south 9th street, suite 260
mpls, mn 55402
© 2024 mpls downtown council