The mpls downtown council (mdc) and Mpls Downtown Improvement District (DID), in collaboration with the Minneapolis Police Department (MPD), Hennepin County Sheriff’s Office (HCSO), Metro Transit Police Department, today announced its continued successful Joint Beats partnership program in downtown Mpls.
Now in its 13th year, the Joint Beats program showcases collaboration between MPD, HCSO and Metro Transit PD that increases law enforcement visibility on the streets and helps enhance collaboration with street outreach teams—all in an effort to keep downtown safe during the summer months.
The 2019 Joint Beats program launched collectively on Memorial Day and will run through Labor Day. During that span, more beat officers are being placed in downtown’s core as a way to enhance real and perceived safety during the summer months.
“Law enforcement cooperation between MPD, HCSO and Metro Transit PD is a key part of the comprehensive public safety strategy the downtown business community supports and relies on,” said Steve Cramer, president & ceo of the mpls downtown council and Downtown Improvement district. “Business organizations like mdc, DID and others invest in safety programs including prevention, outreach and street activation. When it comes to dealing with illegal acts and conduct which threatens public safety, we rely on effective action by our partners in law enforcement and the criminal justice system. ‘Joint Beats’ is part of that effective response.”
A collection of added initiatives by MPD, HCSO and Metro Transit PD—along with continued work by the DID Safety Communications Center, DID Ambassadors, and local street outreach teams—work together to add to the safety of our downtown core.
“We value our relationships with our local law enforcement partners, and Joint Beats really highlights the importance of our collective collaboration on the streets,” said Minneapolis Police Chief Medaria Arradondo. “Another important layer to Joint Beats’ success is the tremendous contribution of social service ‘street outreach’ workers. Together, we are actively working to build relationships with our community and provide appropriate services to those in need.”
The Mpls Police Department will continue its downtown presence in the 1st Precinct along with its Police Reserves program. The Hennepin County Sheriff’s Office will have a substantial presence in downtown Minneapolis Memorial Day to Labor Day. Metro Transit Police will add additional officers to their shift tours Monday through Saturday.
“Downtown is an active and vibrant part of our county, and our team is excited to continue working together with our local partners during Joint Beats,” Hennepin County Sheriff David Hutchinson said. “Together we look forward to a fun, safe summer downtown.”
The continued efforts this summer communicates a serious and shared focused on downtown safety, which is the foundation of any successful community. The Joint Beats program works in tandem with City of Minneapolis leadership, the downtown business community, and street outreach organizations to help meet the needs of all who live, work and play downtown.